Well hello there, blogosphere.
There has definitely been a lack of blog posts this year, but life has continued on even though it has not been chronicled on this here blog believe it or not. We have had a wonderful time being in Nashville and have meet some fabulous people that we are just crazy about! But the truth is West Texas still feels like home and we will be Abilene bound on August 31st! It is definitely going to be hard to leave this lovely town, but we are definitely excited about what is to come!
We will be moving back into our sweet little casa which we decided not to sell once we were fairly certain we'd be moving back. We were able to find a tenant to live in it for the year and are so thankful that they are keeping it up while we are away. I have certainly missed it and already have plans a-brewin' to completely change how I had it set up before, of course. :)
In other news, I will be starting my own interior design company upon our return to A-town. Ahhhh!
So if you or someone you know is looking to spruce up their Abilene pad, starting this September, I'm your girl! The website will be up and running soon. I will keep you updated!
...and now for some pictures, because no one likes a blog post without pictures...
(I tried to only use pics that I haven't posted on instagram, because NO ONE likes a doubled posted instagram pic! It is seriously disappointing to open up facebook and scroll through all the same pics that I JUST saw on instagram. Am I right? :) So anyways, a few pics from the past few weeks....
I made a pillow! ha! I know not that exciting, but my sewing machine has seen zero action up here in Tennessee so this was an exciting day as we reconnected.

We had a pair of craigslist dressers painted BM Alabaster white and added some modern brass hardware - we will be using them as our bedside tables when we move back. Unfortunately I have become a tiny bit spoiled this year and have waaay more room/closet storage than then two of us could ever fill. I'm going to have to re-learn the beauty of simplicity and organization to fit back in...
I've been spending a lot of time in our backyard just staring up at possibly the most beautiful things in all creation. (Abilene, please grow a few of these in my yard before I get back! I love you just as you are and would never try to change you.)
Work room mess and CAD screen - the glamorous life of a designer
(haha) can I get an amen Kelly?
an Instagram repeat! haha sorry! ;) ;)
I totally want to remember this every day. I am so thankful that we serve perfect Lord and that we are not required to be perfect! (P.S. my knee looks tan because of the super sweet Amaro filter...I've not seen much sun this summer! Need.more.vitamin.D!)
Hope you have a happy week!