When we first bought our house...we didn't really use the "garage" for anything.
(2009...Here is the hubs in the garage actin' tough
after taking out 237 stumps out of our yard.)
as you can see it's not a huge space and not very practical for car parking.
So instead it became L's workshop.
If you are a regular reader of my blog you have seen
the garage face lift in a previous post...so nice and new on the outside...
but what you didn't know about was the dirty little secret that
was hidden behind the pretty door...
dun dun duuuuuh...
a total mess that somehow functions daily as the carpentry
workshop for my super talented husband.
it had just evolved into this chaotic space that had stacks and piles
of this and that and just didn't make for a very nice place to work.
and although I'm sure he could not have cared any less...
I felt that a fresh coat of paint was in order for all of the peeling boards.
As well as some sort of paint job for this tragedy...
when the garage was added to the house,
this poor window was stuffed with insulation
and left in this hideous state.
So this weekend the workshop got a makeover!
cleaned out, painted and organized...
including an addition of two light fixtures!
It was always dark in there with just that one little window.
all the cords, tools, and parts now have a new home off the floor!
(Heidi approves)
either on the new peg board or on the shelves in labeled bins...
Long trim pieces that were always in the way leaning
against the wall are now hanging from the rafters...

and although the sad window has no function whatsoever
at least she isn't a complete eyesore any more...
and best of all the hubs is happy..
and ready to build something fabulous!
Hope everyone is having a great week so far!
"For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control." II Timothy 1:7