2010 was a full year and i really enjoyed looking back at each month...
i am so thankful for all of the wonderful people in my life and for all of God's blessings...
January: We got to spend time in Brazil, visiting the Christ
statue was amazing, the beach was gorgeous, and the
time spent with the hubbies fam was priceless.
February: was cold. i think i only left the house for work and
one time for ACU's
sing song...most of the time was spent on the sofa with Lu and pups.
March: one of my besties was wed and i got to spend time
with lots of lovely girls!
and my baby brother turned 15!!!

April: was sad and glad. my uncle "bud" passed away in a vehicle accident.
Our family all gathered in Monroe for his funeral. It was a time
of mourning as well as a good time of fellowship. April was also Easter
in Tulsa with the family and the annual Back Porch Formal
(which is a fun get together that Lucas and the guys have put
together for the last four or five years) this year it was at Possum Kingdom Lake!
May: my little sister, Sara graduated from high school.
my brother in law, Chris graduated from med-school.
Bryan and Becky (the in-laws) came for a visit!!
and Lu and I got to spend Memorial weekend in
New Braunfels with some of our very dearest friends.
(and it was my birthday month! ;)
June: my family had their family reunion.
It was in Branson, Missouri and we had a blast with
all of our extended family!
July: this was a month of projects around the house, and of going
to San Antonio and helping out the sister with projects at her new house!
She always had her front door decorated with a welcome sign
when I got there (notice the change in front door paint color
...i love the new blue!) We had a girls weekend in San Antonio
as well and the mommies got to come!
August: my Ahhhmazing little sister, Sara, graduated from
MARINE boot camp!
We all went out to South Carolina for her graduation
and we couldn't be more proud of her!!!
I got to go to Canton with 6 of my most favorite girls in the world
and Went to
Matt and Emily's lovely wedding (the reception was AHHhhhdorable)
September: I finally got that porch done! (woo hoo!)
Precious perfect baby Peyton was born to the Sheets,
and we got to watch brother Ben #86 play for the
ACU Wildcats!
October: Bryan and Becky were here again and it was so good
to spend time with them! We MISSS them SOO much!!! (they live in Brazil)
My sister and her hubby ran a half marathon and
I went down for moral support!! They did great!
November: My friend, Pam visited Abilene and we went to ACU
homecoming events together...she is coming to ACU in January! Can't wait!
Thanksgiving was spent with the family in Dallas!
I I got to see my sweet Simran friend, who is getting married in 2011!!!
wood floors, christmas decor, gift wrapping,
time spent with friends and family, and a lovely
San Antonio Christmas!
I hope you are having a lovely week!
take a lil time to look back over this past year and
reminisce on all the memories and blessings from 2010!